Recommended Exchanges
Following are the Cryptocurrency Exchanges that I am currently using and have smooth experience in buying, selling, depositing and withdrawing:
1. Coinbase (my main exchange)
a. One of the most established cryptocurrency exchange.
b. Currently supporting Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and Bitcoin Cash (it was in the news that come 2018, more alt-coins will be supported).
c. You can buy/sell cryptocurrency through Master/Visa cards or Bank transfer (via Xfers). It is recommended to use Xfers (if your country supports it) as it will attract lower commission fee.
d. Both the web and mobile versions of the platforms are very intuitive and easy to use.
b. Have great referral program that earn both referrer and referee $10 worth of freecoins (upon completion of the first $100 worth of trading).
d. To find out more details about Coinbase, click here or on the image below:
2. Binance (my sub-exchange for alt-coins)
a. One of the newer but stable cryptocurrency exchange for alt-coins
b. Currently support quite an extensive list of alt-coins.
c. You need to deposit some crypto (usually Bitcoin or Ethereum) into the build-in wallets before you can exchange it with other alt-coins. I did my purchase of Ripple (XRP) recently by sending some Ethereum from my Coinbase wallet to Binance wallet and subsequently exchange the Ethereum with Ripple at the market price.
d. The platform might look a bit crowded when you are at the "Exchange" page to trade but once you've get used to it, it's a breeze.
b. Have referral program that earn 50% of commission, real time.
d. To find out more details about Binance, click here or on the image below:
Note: The above links are my referral links
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