Crypto Kitties - First BlockChain Game That Clogged The Ethereum's Blockchain

If you are a cat lover and from US, probably you've heard of or currently playing the very first Blockchain based game called Crypto Kitties. It took the Blockchain by storm and has caused some clogging in the Ethereum blockchain (which is the underlying technology of this game) in the past 2 weeks or so. 

As per the slogan boldly displayed in the Crypto Kitties' official site : Collectible. Breedable. Adorable  and coupled it with the cute cartooned kitties next to it, I think most of the cat lovers will be sold. In act, it's a simple game that allow user to breed, uncover its attributes (they called it cattributes) of their personalized kitty.

The key hype (I believed) is due to its marketplace feature whereby users can buy and sell their kitties by using the Ether (coins). As at 7th December 2017, it has facilitated nearly $7 millions worth of Ether exchange (I am sure it is much more than that now). 

Screenshots from the Crypto Kitties Marketplace:

Just to put thing into perspective (real dollars and cents), basing on the current Ether price of USD 713, the top left kitty (Snappy) is selling for around USD 710 (around SGD 960). Sounds crazy? Welcome to the Blockchain and Cryptocurrency world.

Personally, I am not a cat lover and not a gamer too, so, this is definitely something that appeal to me, what about you? Would you be considering plunging into this kitties mania?



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